Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gothic art entry part 2

This picture shows a young girl sitting beside the ocean. The moon is full, and the water is rushing up swirling around her feet. To me, the ocean is maybe washing away all her tears and her sorrow. She is curled up, perhaps trying to close up her grief. The moon shines on her and she is illuminated, her expression shows pure sadness. The main idea of this piece of art is to make you wonder what she's thinking about.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gothic art entry part 1

This is so, so beautiful. She's sitting alone at the base of a tree, most likely opening her heart to the one creature who cannot hurt her, an animal. It has become her confidance and she relies on it, making herself believe it is listening. And maybe it IS listening to every word she says. He wings have turned dark, due to her sorrow. She is a deeply romantic person so the roses budding beside her symbolize that growth and show her inner beauty.